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      Aston Villa

      mBirminghammestablished in 1874

      Competitions History

      Summary Premier League

      Total42561719 (40%)1002 (24%)1535 (36%)
      Home21281150 (54%)484 (23%)494 (23%)
      Away2128569 (27%)518 (24%)1041 (49%)
      Penalty shoot-outs (P.S.) and coin-toss decisions (CT) are considered draws

      Competition Records

      Biggest home winDivision One 1891/92Aston Villa12-2Accrington FC
       Division One 1912/13Aston Villa10-0Sheffield Wed.
       Division One 1925/26Aston Villa10-0Burnley
      Biggest away winPremier League 2007/2008Derby County0-6Aston Villa
       Division One 1913/14Manchester United0-6Aston Villa
      Worst away defeatPremier League 2012/2013Chelsea8-0Aston Villa
      Worst home defeatDivision One 1935/36Aston Villa0-7West Bromwich

      General Info

      Number of seasons110
      Number of titles7
      Total games played4256
      Total wins1719
      Total draws1002
      Total losses1535
      Total goals scored6878
      Total goals conceded6340


      Best finish1.ª Position - 1980/81, 1909/10, 1899/00, 1898/99, 1896/97, 1895/96, 1893/94
      Worst finish22.ª Position - 1986/87

      Goals Scored

      Most goals in a season128 Goals Scored - 1930/31
      Most goals conceded in a season110 Goals Scored - 1935/36
      Fewest goals scored in a season27 Goals Scored - 2015/16
      Fewest goals conceded in a season34 Goals Scored - 1996/97