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      Manchester United

      mManchestermestablished in 1878

      Competitions History

      Summary Premier League

      Total39711906 (48%)974 (25%)1091 (27%)
      Home19841186 (60%)455 (23%)343 (17%)
      Away1987720 (36%)519 (26%)748 (38%)
      Penalty shoot-outs (P.S.) and coin-toss decisions (CT) are considered draws

      Competition Records

      Biggest home winPremier League 2020/2021Manchester United9-0Southampton
       Premier League 1994/1995Manchester United9-0Ipswich Town
       Division One 1892/93Manchester United10-1Wolverhampton
      Biggest away winPremier League 1998/1999Nottingham Forest1-8Manchester United
      Worst away defeatDivision One 1925/26Blackburn Rovers7-0Manchester United
       Premier League 2022/2023Liverpool7-0Manchester United
       Division One 1930/31Aston Villa7-0Manchester United
      Worst home defeatDivision One 1927/28Manchester United1-7Newcastle
       Division One 1913/14Manchester United0-6Aston Villa
       Division One 1930/31Manchester United0-6Huddersfield Town

      General Info

      Number of seasons101
      Number of titles20
      Total games played3971
      Total wins1906
      Total draws974
      Total losses1091
      Total goals scored6826
      Total goals conceded5047


      Goals Scored

      Most goals in a season103 Goals Scored - 1958/59, 1956/57
      Most goals conceded in a season115 Goals Scored - 1930/31
      Fewest goals scored in a season0 Goals Scored - 1894/95
      Fewest goals conceded in a season3 Goals Scored - 1894/95