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RANS Nusantara

mCilegonmestablished in 2012


Foundation of clubFoundation of club as Cilegon United
to 2021/22
Change of the name of the club
Cilegon United
Cilegon United Football Club

2020/21Change of the name of the club
RANS Cilegon
Raffi Ahmad Nagita Slavina Cilegon Football Club

2021/22Change of the name of the club
RANS Nusantara
Raffi Ahmad Nagita Slavina Nusantara Football Club


Foundation of club - Foundation of club
Change of the name of the club - Change of the name of the club
Change of the symbol of the club - Change of the symbol of the club
Incorporation of other club - Incorporation of other club
Founder clubs - Founder clubs
Incorporated in another club - Incorporated in another club
Utilisation of the pitch - Utilisation of the pitch
Director - Director
Title - Title
Award - Award
Significant figure - Significant figure
Historical landmark - Historical landmark
Extinction of club - Extinction of club