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      Championnat National U19 - Groupe C 2021/22


      Angers beat US Avranches on Sunday, 2x0. Angers's team scored by Louis Perroud and Valentin Ndedi.
      15-05-2022 23:59
      USSA Vertou edged past Rennes in a hard-fought win, 1x0, on Sunday. Ullrich Buchoux's team scored by Wassim El Hamouli.
      15-05-2022 23:59
      Le Mans and Guingamp played out a  2x2 on Sunday. Le Mans's team scored by Titouan Caro and Souareba Dabo, while Guingamp's team scored by Mike Gaspard and Antoine Bergot.
      15-05-2022 23:59
      Bordeaux defeated Laval on Sunday, 5x1. Romain Ferrier's team scored by Alix Briastre, Driss Nasser 2x, Hamza Bouhadi and Christopher Attolou, while Alexis Chamaret's team scored by Mathis Moyen.
      15-05-2022 23:59
      Brest eased past SA Mérignac, 0x4, on Sunday. Franck Kerdilès's team scored by Kurtis Chadet, Titouan Nihouarn 2x and Benjamin Le Foll.
      15-05-2022 23:59
      Nantes defeated US Concarneau, 2x0, on Sunday. Nantes's team scored by Mathis Oger and Hamissou Mamadou. Pierre Aristouy's team scored by Mathis Oger and Hamissou Mamadou.
      15-05-2022 23:59
      Nantes beat US Avranches in a close win on Sunday, 0x1. Pierre Aristouy's team scored by Edoly Mateso.
      01-05-2022 23:59
      The game between Châteauroux and Angers on Sunday ended in a draw, 1x1. Romain Chevrier's team scored by Theo Thezenas, while Lamine M´Baye 's team scored by Leo Tremblay.
      01-05-2022 23:59
      USSA Vertou prevailed Laval, 0x4, on Sunday. Vertou - Nantes's team scored by Jean Evrard Kramo, Wassim El Hamouli, Marceau Panhaleux and Brice Vallée.
      01-05-2022 23:59
      Brest prevailed Le Mans in a close win on Sunday, 3x2. Franck Kerdilès's team scored by Aymeric Faurand 2x and Axel Camblan, while Romain Dupont's team scored by Richardson Atchaliso 2x.
      01-05-2022 23:59
      Guingamp prevailed Tours on Sunday, 4x0. Guingamp's team scored by Aristide Mateta, Hugo Picard 2x and Antoine Bergot.
      01-05-2022 23:59
      Rennes defeated SA Mérignac in an extraordinary win, 5x0, on Sunday. Rennes's team scored by Désiré Doué, Leo Rouillé, Mathys Tel 2x and Gabriel Tutu.
      01-05-2022 23:59