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The FA Cup 2019/20

The FA Cup | England | UEFA


1Rep. of Ireland Graham Coughlan31200201000
1England Neil Harris41300201100
1Wales Mark Bowen51310211100
1Rep. of Ireland Brian Barry-Murphy62311201110
1England Mark Robins73401202200
1Wales Sam Ricketts73312201110
7Scotland Graham Alexander20110100010
7England Phil Parkinson20110100010
7Portugal Nuno Espírito Santo20110100010
7England Dean Keates20110100010
7England Ben Garner 20110100010
7England Ian Long20110100010
7England Jonathan Woodgate20110100010
7Wales Glyn Hodges20110100010
7Wales Mark Sampson 20110100010
7England Lee Johnson20110100010
7England Nigel Pearson20110100010
7Scotland Colin Calderwood20110100010
7England Darrell Clarke31110111000
7Austria Ralph Hasenhüttl31111100010
[J=Matches Played, V=Wins, E=Draws, D=Losses, VC=Home Wins, EC=Home Draws, DC=Home Defeats, VF=Away Wins, EF=Away Draws, DF=Away Defeats, RVV=Turnaround (Comeback Win)]
[Last updated: 2024-05-08 at 15:24]